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One-to-One Coaching

Self-Leadership Coaching approach that will help you understand yourself better, exploring what you deeply want and provide you with the structure, skillset and tools to get you there.

You will find yourself in a safe space where growth happens and in which you work on more than just your goals.

And it is all happening on your own terms, you decide what's on the agenda, while we go throuh the process:

  • You get to learn more about yourself and explore what you truly want and what drives you towards it (what is meaningful and important)

  • Explore new perspectives, ideas & approaches that will support your growth

  • Get challenged on some of your ideas to generate new paths

  • Overcome barriers and find the right resources and support for yourself

  • Design your own outcome and be confident that you will get there

  • You get to bring the future in, explore how you want your future to look like and discover ways to make it happen... short, mid and long term

  • And remember - you and you alone are responsible for your own actions

Schedule here a free discovery session.

Să vorbim despre dezvoltarea ta!

Programează o întâlnire de descoperire în care putem vorbi despre care este cea mai bună opțiune pentru dezvoltarea ta. 

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