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Learning Group Coaching

In coaching within a learning group the focus is on each participant's individual goals while sharing with the group and supporting the other members in fulling your and their dreams.

Learing Groups come in various shapes and forms, the most common are:

  • Workshops - a one time or series of events with a unique purpose to transfer knowledge

  • Group Coaching - a group that gets together for a series of sessions, having learning and support as a common purpose, while each participant pursues their individual goals.

  • Masterclasses - a series of workshops in a coaching style that allow the learning to be focused on the participants.

I believe in the power of groups, the insights they gain from eachother, the resources and support they share and most importantly, the way they hold eachother accountable.

Check out the open programs to see details on how the learning groups are structured.

Să vorbim despre dezvoltarea ta!

Programează o întâlnire de descoperire în care putem vorbi despre care este cea mai bună opțiune pentru dezvoltarea ta. 

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